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#️⃣ #NeueTelefonNummern #Kv2024 #Wdk24 #Jugend

Startseite Pastoral Care and Social Advising Kommunikations

Communication Advice Unit

Contact person:

Andrea Schwarz
phone. 0151-15243270
Fax. 0911-2141322


Pfarrerin Cornelia Wolf
Egidienplatz 33
D-90403 Nürnberg
Phone: 0911/21413 - 01
Fax: 0911/21413 - 22
Video-Phone: 0911/21413 - 11

Communication is one of the most important functions of life. It determines the way we live, the way we function and the way we work. We communicate with words, gestures, body language and other non-verbal methods of communication. Several studies have shown that people who are able to articulate well and present their feelings and ideas intelligently are more successful in life.

Everyone has to learn communication, whether it is for private life, for the job or everyday contact with society. Misunderstandings between people, improperly conveyed messages, and lack of knowledge about the art of communication can complicate daily tasks.

To assist in these areas, we offer competent training in communication for:

Partial financing if offered, but qualified applicants may receive special financing depending on their individual case.

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